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Scintific clssification 

Deriviation of name and historical aspects 
Adansonia >originated from the french botanist called michel Adansonia, who was living in the island of sor senegal since 1748-1754. He was the first person to describe this tree in African continent. 
Digitata >derived from the latin word "Digitus"  in English means finger, that refer to the hand-shaped leaves of Baobab. 

Interesting facts of baobab. 
There are numerus number of creatures use Baobab hole or branches for roosting Site year after year. The tree is home to the birds like rollers, parrots, hornbills, and owls, but also some animals like squirrels, bush babies, genets, bats, snake, cats and more. 
The Baobab is favorable for Elephant especially during the dry season, an elephant prefer to stripe the barks for sake of geting water and some minerals. 
The barks is used to make local open shoose but also the leaves is edible as local vegetable especially Gogo tribe from Dodoma region. 

However the tree as known as 
 The tree of Life >that's refer all parts of plants are usable 
Dead rat tree > refer to the apearance of pods 
 Monkey bread tree >due to the pods be consumed more with Monkey 
Upside down tree >because the branches rise up stiffly that resemble roots. 
Bottle tree and more 

Traditions medicine 
For treatment of body pain, the barks decoction is drunk , the infusion from the white pulp is used as a treatment of fever and diarrhoea 

African beliefs 
Some African tribes use the baobab as an ant-witchcrafts charm and in traditions ceremonies towards off evil sprits.The Gogo tribe from Dodoma region at the previous time was believed that the hole of baobab is haunted by spirits so they were used as a grave site.I got amazing story from Transvaal Zambia,they believe that if the baby born, He will birth in the water of which the barks of the baobab have been soaked inside, they will grow up strong and might like baobab tree.

Favorable area 
Baobab tree are centainly comon in Tanzania and usually grow in well-drained soil with a high water table, However in Tanzania, Dodoma is home of that tree 

Baobab pods

Baobab flower

How can you determine poison plant and non-poisonous plant??

Plant matter provides the easiest ways of collecting food,however it is pretty important to gain a clearly detailed knowledge of the area where you are,or where you going in order to know which type of plant may you eat or should not.

when talking about non-poisonous plant,meaning are those plant that can be eaten by human being without any ill effects. Various plant part can be eaten such as roots,pods/fruits,leaves,flower,some tube and gum but not all underground part of plant are eaten please try to avoid bulbs that resemble onion because are claimed be poisonous.But also some fruits that era eaten when ripe can often be poisonous when unripe as the means of differencing mechanism.

>it is believed that all plants that eaten by primates spices might safely be eaten with human being although do not eat every things that are edible by baboon because sometimes they might feed on plants which an be with effects for human being.
Notwithstanding all plants that are not eaten on by animals should not be touched and those resemble tomatoes ,cucumbers and mushroom must be avoided. Plants that contain a latex content should be pointed to be poisonous and you have to be care with those fruits that edible when ripe can often be poisonous when unripe as the means of difference mechanism.

>the first method of your testing just rub a small quantity of the plant liquid ,sap or the actual plant itself on fairly sensitivity parts of your skin as either inside of your wrist, stomach or at your upper arm,after then wait for 10_15 minutes and look carefully the areas where the liquid rubed,if you will find any signals of effects sa swelling, blistering, rashes, itching or burning sensation, the plant should be lefted alone because suredly I say to you that symptoms will be advisable the poisonous.
>The second test ,if is possible, just touch the plant part with the tip of your tongue,the sensitivity results from your tongue will indicate an immediate reaction so that if you have experience with bad reaction or burning sensations with a bitter unpleasant tests just leave that particular plant alone.
>The final testing,try to chewing a small amount of plant and checking out for any bad reaction such as bitter or burning sensation after then Wait for one hour and if you do not suffering against stomach complaints or craps ,try to eat again as previous time, continuing in this away until you are sure that the plants part you eat is safe.